  1. Resolution

From the recording Bright in Bad Weather

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Is this all you’ve got? Long blonde hair and a two car garage. And some friends who are going nowhere. Is this all you need? Enough money to buy your cigarettes and weed. And a drink to drown your conscience. This time last year you said you’d put down the beer. This time next year you’re still living in fear of the things that you can’t pay for. ‘Cause this house ain’t cheap and you have to sneak. When you’re the kind of spouse who loves to cheat. Don’t you think you would have learned your lesson? Your time has run out. But you’re still swinging. You’re gonna need another year. ‘Cause by the time the clock hits one. Your resolution’s done. In a few short months when his tax money runs out and the insurance bills are higher than they’ve ever been. You’ll fill my inbox with bold letter messages. But I’ll deny them so you forward them to your friends. Chorus.