  1. Counterpart

From the recording Bright in Bad Weather

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It’s always the same with you.
Why do I bother?
‘Cause everytime I move nearer.
Fighting for your affection.
I suppose the sayings true.
All men hate their fathers.
But everytime I look into the mirror.
I’ve got your complexion.
Like father, like son.
They’re both bitter and numb.
Wasted youth and dreams.
Both from insecurities.
But we don’t have to live like this at all.
Constructing walls to fill the space between our head and heart.
So bring them down counterpart. Counterpart.
We’re just the same as you.
Angry like our fathers.
‘Cause everytime we raise
To suppress aggression.
I suppose the sayings true.
Yeah. All men hate their fathers.
But every time I ball up my fist
Just to cover up depression.